
Event Manager

Event Manager

Event managers will be picked by the mainowner and coowner, By the next update superadmins and headsuperadmins will beable to make events whenever they feel like events should be made, once they are masters at making events they will be chosen to be event managers.


  1. Must be at least 8 players online.
  2. Only 1 event per day, per superadmin.
  3. You will be choosing your own rewards, limited rewards will be down below.
  4. You can not participate in the event.
  5. If someone mass rdm's in the lobby of the event you can perm them.
  6. If someone does not want to be in the event you can not force them to be in it.
  7. You must ooc when u do an event.
  8. You can have a trialmod + help you with the event.


  1. Anything from the weapons menu by hitting q but the davy crockett.
  2. RP CASH
  3. Points
  4. If you want to do a permanent weapon on the donate system contact one of the owners for permisson
  5. If you want to use Ree:sweps, contact one of the owners
  6. if you have anymore reward ideas contact doctor clan thanks :)


Superadmin, Headsuperadmin, Staffmanager,Coowner, Mainowner

What can they do? on the forums?

Mainowner, Staffmanager, Coowner, can do anything,


They can appeal bans, example someone makes an appeal on the forums they can accept or denied it, and unban them,

They can also control the report a player, someone makes a report on a player, you can accept the report or denied it, if you accept it make sure you ban them you can pick the time or give warnings,


How to cook Meth


First look in the chat for what is the rough formula
Hey doc, here is Amphetamine rough formula information:
Aluminum - 2500 g
Cyfluthrin - 72 L
Methylamine - 82 L
Intermediate Acid - 1 L

Now what you will want to do is buy those Items in the F4 menu and the Stove, Cooking Pot, Chemical Pot, Cooking Pan, and the Chemical Tank(BTW its huge).

Now Place the Cooking Pot on the stove, For the stove there are two(2) sides in which there is a flat area to the left which it heats up extremly fast and the right side which is for slow cooking.
You will want to place the Cooking Pot on right side of the stove and fill it up to the brim with water (4 liters)

TIP: You can with a gravi gun in hand press E on the items and flip them so its easier to pour
TIP: To open a jug press "Shift"

After turn on the stove and get it from 110 C - 150 C after add the 1000 grams of Red Phosphorous and keep the temperature in between 100-150. Buy Chemical Glass and when it is ready touch the Pot with the chemical glass.

Then put the Chemical Pot on the left side and add 8L of water into it. Turn on the stove and keep the temps from 400-500. Remember it heats up fast. After add 400G of Sulfer. 
Buy another Chemical Glass and touch it to the pot.

Now use the Pan and add 5 Liters of each the Acids. Now put it on the stove (right side) and keep the temps from 120-180.

Now that you have the Intermediate Acid you can move on to the next part.

Use your Chemical Tank and add the specified amount of of ingredients. After Keep the PSI from 50-100 like it reads on the menu.

TIP: you can use the (OPEN) or (GAIN) buttons to change the psi and after you added the ingredients, Start the reaction. Never add something while the valve is open or closed. (AKA gaining or releasing PSI) 

When it finishes you can lower the pressure to 25 or 26 PSI and add the next acid (Methylamine). Start up the reaction and wait for it to complete. 

TIP: You can use (OPEN) or (GAIN) while the reaction is taking place.

Now release the pressure to 5 or 6 PSI and and add the Intermediate acid. Start up the reaction and control it. 

TIP: you can hit stop at anytime without concecuence.

Also if you add Ingredients without the PSI being what it states, It might blow up.

Staff Rules

Trial Moderator/ Moderator Rules

  1. The only commands you can do off duty is warn,kick,ban
  2. If someone rdms you and someone is on duty let them do it.
  3. You may noclip while having a building sign.
  4. No RPING on Duty.
  5. If you wan't someone banned contact a higher staff member(TrialMod)
  6. Remember Moderators can only ban for 8 hours.
  7. Put | EX | Before your Staff Name
  8. NO warning other staff members report it on the forums.

Admin/Superadmin/Staff Manager Rules
Put | EX | Before your Staff Name

So im gonna keep this basic, You guys went through trialmod and moderator you should know what your doing.
But your job is to watch over the trialmoderators and moderators.
If anyone moderator or trialmod abuses you can give them a warning but you gotta report on forums so record all times please.
You are here because trialmod cant ban and moderators can only ban for 8 hours, admins can only ban for 2days, superadmin+ can perm
You are in charge of the moderators and trailmoderators
If a moderator or trialmod needs help you can noclip off duty and go to them but dont just noclip around the map for no reason.
If theres a guy breaking rules infront of you and theres a moderator or trialmod on duty you can still do that sit because that guy did it right infront of you, you can do it off duty.
If there is no on duty's and someone needs help you can do it while your rping.
NO warning other staff members report it on the forums. 


Written by
| EX | Traitor
Note: If someone was RDMed you must refund them with what they lost.

Accidental RDM = Verbal Warning (not !warn)
Attempt RDM = 60 seconds jail time + !warn
RDM x1 = 120 seconds jail time + !warn
RDM x2= 240 seconds jail time + !warn
RDM x3= (Rdm x3) 5 day ban
RDM x4=  (Rdm x4) 1 week ban
RDM x5= (Mass RDM) 3 week ban
RDM more than x5 is a 5 week ban

RDMing their friend= Verbal Warning (not !warn)
RDMing their friend after the Verbal Warning= 120 seconds jail time + warn

Playing ear rape/loud music = !warn + kick

NLR x1 = 120 seconds jail time + !warn
NLR x2 = 240 seconds jail time + !warn (for the same scenario)
NLR x3 = Kick (for the same scenario)
If they if they continue after they are kicked, ban them for a day. 

Accidental RDA= Verbal Warning (not !warn)
Attempt RDA = 60 seconds jail time + !warn
RDA x1 = 120 seconds jail time + !warn
RDA x2= 240 seconds jail time + !warn
RDA x3= (RDA x3) 5 day ban
RDA x4=  (RDA x4) 1 week ban
RDA x5= (Mass RDA) 3 week ban
RDA more than x5 is a 5 week ban

Abusing SitAnywhere to get into ?admin-land? is 240 seconds jail time + !warn

Accidentally throwing an explosive in the streets and killing people will result in a warn (!warn) and 120 seconds of jail. 
If this incident occurs again, ban them for 1 weeks. 

Advertising another gmod server = Permaban
DDOS Threat/Attempting to crash the server = Permaban
Micspam = Gag for a minute, if they continue then kick, if they still continue, ban (2 hours).
Spamming the chat is first a verbal warning, if they continue mute them + !warn.
If spamming persists in admin chat when they are muted, or if they continue to spam after they unmuted, kick them. 
If they come back and continue to spam after they have been kicked, ban them for a day.

For the remainder of the rules you must notify the person that they are breaking a rule and warn them. 
If you notice they break the rules again then jail them (120 seconds). If they continue after that, ban them (24 hours).

LTAP 1440 mins = 1 day



  1. Do not copy someone's name.
  3. CP Baiting is illegal.
  4. If someone runs up on you with kidnapper tool you can kill them
  5. You are not allowed to trade in-game items or money for anything unrelated to extremedarkrp
  6. Do not try to bypass our name filter.
  7. No Bhoping, advantage of rp
  8. If someone shoots your friend you can shoot them for shooting your friend.
  9. Only English is allowed in the OOC channel and/or in any OOC situations.
  10. Any form of hacking or scripting will lead to permanent ban.
  11. Always follow Fear RP - the idea that you value your life and must act accordingly in dangerous situations to prevent death.
  12. You may not disrespect or provoke other players even when roleplaying.
  13. No purges, wars or any kind of event which encourages mass killing.
  14. Do not Fail RP.
  15. Do not exploit/abuse any bugs or glitches, doing so will result in a punishment (depends on the situation), instead, report them on the forums.
  16. Do not build/kill in spawn.
  17. If your not a hobo don't spawn shit on the sidewalks dont spawn shit on the road no matter what its prop minging.
  18. Do not prop abuse (this includes surfing, killing, spamming, climbing and blocking or any other type of prop abuse).
  19. Do not spam (this includes chat, camera, stunstick, microphone / voice,...)
  20. Devil's are kos at night.
  21. Do not spawn inappropriate structures.
  22. You CANNOT sell or give away VIP printers, ammo or chargers to other players (they may use your chargers if you are basing together and you may sell the guns).
  23. Do not block NPCs around the map.
  24. You cannot kill the kidnapper after he kidnapped you or arrest him
  25. No Racial Slurs.
  26. You can only hijack every 5 mins
  28. Not Pulling over for police is failrp but you can go off when they come to your window.
  29. Police can pull you over for driving recklessly

OOC - Out Of Character
ADVER - Advertisment
RDM - Random Death Match
NLR - New Life Rule
FDA - Fading Door Abuse
RDA - Random Arrest
Meta - Metagaming
CP - Police (Civil Protection)
Mod - Moderator
Admin - Administrator
SA - Super Admin
L2AP - Leaving To Avoid Punishment
RP - Role-Play
IRL - In Real Life


  1. Stay partied with your other terrorist people
  2. Only jhad every 15 mins as terrorist leader
  3. You can only terror the government
  4. Make sure you advert terrorist before you terror
  5. Don't abuse this job or will be banned from it


  1. Government can only party with government
  2. No class but government can party with government

RDM - Random Death Match 
Random Death Match, literally means a random attempt to shoot a player or kill. I.E without good reason.

  1. Value life, even the baddest of criminals won't slit your throat over candy
  2. Don't kill someone for breaking rules, call staff with @
  3. Don't kill without warning unless your life is threatened (use /advert warning 1, 2, 3 etc) and give them time to react.

For example:

  • If someone attempts to raid you and you kill him, it will NOT count as RDM.
  • If you just walk on the street, pull out your gun and kill someone without a reason at all, it will count as RDM.
  • If you don't like someone or you got killed recently by someone and you go back to him and kill him for revenge, maybe you even broke NLR and it's considered RDM.


  1. You have to /ooc kidnap everytime you kidnap
  2. You can only kidnap different person every 5 mins
  3. Same person is 10 mins
  4. You can get arrested for having it out
  5. If your running up on someone with it out they can kill you

NLR - New Life Rule
New life rule, this rule applies to you when you die, when you spawn back it's a new life.

  1. You may not come back to the your death point within 3 minutes, or anywhere close to it.
  2. You must also forget all role-play related events of your character.
  3. You may not return to your base if you died defending it from a raid until the raid is over, this includes sniping from a distance or shooting at your base from the outside.

For example:

  • Someone raids you, while you go back to your base he is already gone, however it haven't been 3 minutes yet, you broke NLR.
  • Someone raids you and you die. You have waited 3 minutes and go back to your base. On the way you see the guy who raided you, you pull out your gun and you kill him, you broke NLR.
  • Someone raids you and you die. You have waited 3 minutes and act towards the players who raided you as if nothing has happened, you didn't break NLR.

Meta gaming
Meta-gaming is when you use OOC information to your advantage, including but not limited to skype, discord, steam chat.

  1. You are not allowed to base your actions on non-realistic things like hearing stuff through walls (printers, or any entities that make sound).

Hits / Bounties

  1. Don't place hits on people randomly. You must have a valid reason to place a hit. you may place hits on any government officials and law enforcement randomly though.
  2. You think a staff member treats you or others badly do NOT place a hit/bounty!
  3. If something happened in a previous life (NLR) do NOT place a hit/bounty!


  1. You may mug one player per 5 minutes.
  2. You may not mug the same person within 10 minutes.
  3. Maximum mug amount is $50,000!
  4. All criminal jobs can mug, and thief private classes
  5. If someone mugs you and you have your back turned to him you CAN'T pull out a gun and kill him, however you can kill a mugger if you already have a weapon out when someone mugs you and you're looking directly at him.
  6. You have to give them a time limit.

Example: Mug drop 5k or die you have 5 seconds to drop or your dead.

Default laws

  1. Owning and or using a printer is illegal.
  2. Buying guns from gun dealer is legal, however only pistols are legal in public (Automatic Guns Are Illegal)
  3. All weapons are legal on your private property.
  4. Using/Owning illegal drugs and drug labs is illegal.
  5. Using/Owning a knife is legal,
  6. Theft is illegal.
  7. Raiding is illegal.
  8. Lock picking/Keypad-cracking is illegal.
  9. Pulling any kind of gun on law enforcement (It's only KOS when you shoot)
  10. Kidnapper tool is illegal
  11. Any gun bigger than a pistol is illegal
  12. If anyone is driving like a drunk person you can turn on your sirens and pull them over


  1. You may not raid the PD unless you have a hit on someone inside or if you are breaking someone out of jail, You can't take over PD
  2. Large weapons are legal on private property unless your shooting them
  3. Don't raid someone if you know there is nothing to gain from it. EG: raiding a public open places.
  4. You may not raid the same person within 10 minutes
  5. You DO NOT need to advert raids.
  6. Once you're done with the base, leave it. Do not stay in the base for more than 5 minutes.
  7. You aren't allowed to KOS someone for pointing a gun at your base.
  8. Lock picking, keypad cracking and trespassing does make you KOS to the property owner.
  9. Kos lines are allowed but you cannot kos jobs or kos if annoying must be rp.


  2. You may have only 5 fading doors, [Unless your using fading doors to printers or any other entities].
  3. Each base entrance fading door must have one (and only one) keypad on each side of the door.
  4. A keypad must always be visible (no hiding them behind stuff, or making the person to look in a certain angle to see them), the
  5. keypad must be seen easily and always near the fading door.
  6. Do not FDA (fading door abuse), it means holding the fading door opened for less then 4 seconds or using hotkeys, All fading doors
  7. must have at least 5 seconds delay before they close again!
  8. Do not build base defenses in the PD, apart from safes for storing weapons. [ONLY MAYOR CAN BUILD IN PD!]
  10. You cannot use glow effect or glow effect abuse.
  11. Between each fading door, there must be a space which can fit a minimum of 2 people.
  12. To own a building, you must own all the rp doors.
  13. No fake keypads.
  14. No bright colors or plain textures that are painful to the eyes.
  15. You aren't allowed to KOS(Kill On Sight) someone for pointing a gun at your base.
  16. If you're shooting window has a fading door, it must function the same as normal fading door, minimum close delay - 4 seconds.
  17. Both the raider and the defender must be able to deal the same amount of damage to each other at all times
  18. No shooting through cracks in props.
  19. Do not build on the street unless you are a hobo.
  20. Lock picking, keypad cracking and trespassing does make you KOS to the property owner. A KOS line is not needed at a default rp door but is needed for an entrance that doesn't use a door.
  21. No collide defenses are allowed.
  22. You may not mega base in a area of the map unless u have 1 person per house!
  23. You're not allowed mazes/zigzag's THERE CANCER!
  24. Trapdoors aren't allowed in your base.
  25. You may not force people to shut the rp door to proceed into the base.
  26. No collided props must be noticeable [put a different material on it].
  27. You cannot use Wire Mod Buttons for Fading Doors, You have to use the DEFAULT buttons or a KEYPAD
  28. Keypads AND Buttons have to be seen clear, no BS about hiding it in a prop or in a black wall.


Please be sure to only use CONSOLE ( ` on your keyboard) for all admin commands.
Do not use !menu, and do not use chat because they can both cause problems that may lead to your revoke, or punishment. 

The "^" symbol in your commands targets yourself. Example: (ulx hp ^ 100). Do not confuse it with * because that targets everyone on the server. You should never use * in any of your commands.

Ban times in console are in minutes by default. Any amount you put will ban them for minutes. If you'd like to ban for a day without typing 1440, you may add a "d" after the number "1" for Days. This means that you could ban a player for one day by typing (ulx ban "rp name" 1d reason). Your Ban time is unlimited don't got one.

You must always include an appeal in your ban reason, so the player may go to the forums and appeal. This should be typed out as follows: appeal @ extremedarkrp.mistforums.com, or any variation of. Make sure to apply the appeal at the end of every single ban.


So im gonna keep this basic, You guys went through trialmod and moderator you should know what your doing.
But your job is to watch over the trialmoderators and moderators.
If anyone moderator or trialmod abuses you can give them a warning but you gotta report on forums so record all times please.
You are here because trialmod cant ban and moderators can only ban for 8 hours so you can ban longer than that.
You are in charge of the moderators and trailmoderators
If a moderator or trialmod needs help you can noclip off duty and go to them but dont just noclip around the map for no reason.
If theres a guy breaking rules infront of you and theres a moderator or trialmod on duty you can still do that sit because that guy did it right infront of you, you can do it off duty.
If there is no on duty's and someone needs help you can do it while your rping.

EDRP - Moderator Resource

Please be sure to only use CONSOLE ( ` on your keyboard) for all admin commands.
Do not use !menu, and do not use chat because they can both cause problems that may lead to your revoke, or punishment. 

Ban times in console are in minutes by default. Any amount you put will ban them for minutes. If you'd like to ban for a day without typing 1440, you may add a "d" after the number "1" for Days. This means that you could ban a player for one day by typing (ulx ban "rp name" 1d reason). 8 hours/480 Minutes is the maximum amount of time a donor admin can ban a user.

The "^" symbol in your commands targets yourself. Example: (ulx hp ^ 100). Do not confuse it with * because that targets everyone on the server. You should never use * in any of your commands.

You must always include an appeal in your ban reason, so the player may go to the forums and appeal. This should be typed out as follows: appeal @ extremedarkrp.mistforums.com, or any variation of. Make sure to apply the appeal at the end of every single ban.

Your Console Commands

ulx gag [use only console]Use this if you need to prevent a player from speaking through voice.
ulx mute [use only console]Use this if you need to prevent a player from typing.
ulx ungag [use only console]Use this to ungag a player.
ulx unmute [use only console]Use this to unmute a player.

ulx freeze [use only console]Use this to freeze a player in place.
ulx unfreeze [use only console]Use this to unfreeze a player.
ulx jail [use only console]Use this to confine a player to a jail cell.
ulx unjail [use only console]Use this to remove the jail cell from the player.

ulx goto  [!goto ] Use this to teleport to a player.
ulx bring  [!bring ] Use this to bring a player to you.
ulx return  [!return ] Use this to return a player to their original location.

ulx kick [use only console]Use this to kick a player as any class.
ulx ban [use only console]Use this to ban a player as any class.

ulx votekick [use only console]Use this to votekick a player as any class.

ulx asay [@ ]Use this to chat with admins.


EDRP - Trial Moderator Resource

Please be sure to only use CONSOLE ( ` on your keyboard) for all admin commands.
Do not use !menu, and do not use chat because they can both cause problems that may lead to your revoke, or punishment. 

The "^" symbol in your commands targets yourself. Example: (ulx hp ^ 100). Do not confuse it with * because that targets everyone on the server. You should never use * in any of your commands.

You must always include an appeal in your ban reason, so the player may go to the forums and appeal. This should be typed out as follows: appeal @ extremedarkrp.mistforums.com, or any variation of. Make sure to apply the appeal at the end of every single ban.

Your Console Commands

ulx gag [use only console]Use this if you need to prevent a player from speaking through voice.
ulx mute
[use only console]Use this if you need to prevent a player from typing.
ulx ungag
[use only console]Use this to ungag a player.
ulx unmute
[use only console]Use this to unmute a player.

ulx freeze [use only console]Use this to freeze a player in place.
ulx unfreeze [use only console]Use this to unfreeze a player.
ulx jail [use only console]Use this to confine a player to a jail cell.
ulx unjail [use only console]
Use this to remove the jail cell from the player.

ulx goto  [!goto ] Use this to teleport to a player.
ulx bring  [!bring ] Use this to bring a player to you.
ulx return  [!return ] 
Use this to return a player to their original location.

ulx kick [use only console]Use this to kick a player as any class.

ulx votekick [use only console]Use this to votekick a player as any class.

ulx asay [@ ]Use this to chat with admins.